Public Relation Activities
We Are Developing Various Public Relations and Educational Activities
JEPSA is Focusing on Environmental Education
We are focusing on conducting hands-on environment learning for elementary, middle, and high school students. In a two-hours course, we will explain in an easy-to-understand manner about plastics in general to the focus on EPS. This entails starting from production methods to environmental problems, using textbooks and product samples with experiments and visuals. It is a popular experiential learning program.

The history of EPS is explained with DVDs for easy understanding.

Students can learn through seeing the expansion of the EPS raw material.

Students have fun learning the characteristics of EPS through experiments.

Scene from environmental learning

With the large number of elementary, middle, and high school students visiting Tokyo for school trips and social tours, the number of schools and groups that can come every year has increased. JEPSA is attentive to science education and is involved in the compilation of "Let's Check Plastic", published by Dainippon Tosho Inc. with the Japan Plastic Industry Federation and the Vinyl Environment Council. This is especially supported in middle school science education. The booklet (to the right) was distributed to middle school science classes at the end of 2019 fiscal year. (If you are interested, please contact JEPSA.)
We exhibit at various exhibitions and conduct environmental learning and factory tours which are conducted by JEPSA members.
"Eco-Pro” has the history of hosting 21 exhibitions. JEPSA has exhibited here for 15 consecutive times. These exhibitions host experiments and quiz rallies where children have greatly enjoyed learning new things, such as information about plastics and innovation. In addition, JEPSA member companies participate and sponsor local environmental fairs, etc., and promote the appeal of EPS, such as its effectiveness and characteristics, nationwide. At Eco-Pro, we will disseminate the appeal through the EPS performance of "EPS Ambassador character, Dekita-kun, who has been working with the association since 2013 as an experiment stage performer.

Eco-Pro: Ambassador Performance

Eco-Pro: Experiment Stage Performance

Local Event

Scene from Factory Tour
“STOP! Global Warming” Polar Bear Campaign

Starting at the Toyako Summit in 2008, the Polar Bear campaign held an event for its 12th time that presented fish in an EPS container to support polar bears, which is an endangered species due to global warming. Following the present in 2018 at Moscow Zoo, the 2019 Polar Bear Campaign was held at the Nikolaev Zoo in Ukraine.